It was a dusty border crossing – the newest gate on this frontier, and as far as anyone could tell, the least used. The visa clerk, who had been called […]
It was a dusty border crossing – the newest gate on this frontier, and as far as anyone could tell, the least used. The visa clerk, who had been called […]
It’s very easy to judge a country before you get there, and for Vietnam there are no prizes for guessing what I thought. Try playing James Bond’s word association game: […]
The airport guard was trying to tell me something and he looked rather agitated, his hands whirling in some cross-linguistic mime. I thought I understood his message but I definitely […]
On the plane to Hong Kong I chose a South Korean spy film as the in-flight movie. It was about a Southern spy who befriended his target in the North […]
The North. My tour so far had passed through familiar ground: the trip down memory lane on the European prologue, the prairies and dustbowls of the southern US, the well-used […]
The USA is so many things. World policeman. Imperial power. Nation of immigrants. The home of the free. International bully boy. Inward looking nation of rednecks. Jesusland. The gun capital […]
If you’re like me you’ve always thought of Portugal as something of an annex to Spain, tacked onto the side, a 20% Extra Free offer on land area, kind of […]
I love France. For any Brit looking to do a first cycle tour, it’s the ideal place: friendly drivers, good roads, better food, lots of wine and a climate that […]