Cyclestan: A bike tour through Central Asia

Last year I went to Central Asia, on a solo bike tour around the former Soviet republics of Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan. It was a dry run for my current trip, though I didn’t tell people that at the time, and it was also a fantastic experience in itself.

I’ve started writing up my journal for that trip: you can find it here on The first several days are up in finished form, and I’ll put the rest online when I’ve finished those too. The bit up I’ve written so far sees me riding out of Uzbekistan, through the heat and political tension of the Fergana valley and across the Kyrgyz border to the edge of the Pamir mountains, the foothills of the Himalayas. I bump into some unsuspecting expats on the way, and then meet a lot more across the border where I join what is almost the ‘standard’ round-the-world cycling route.

I’ve written several trip journals on CGOAB and they’re all linked from my Previous Tours page on here. There’s France, more France, Germany and Croatia, Eastern Europe, and the Balkans. If you get bored waiting for me to finish my Central Asian journal, how about giving those a read?

Leaving Uzbekistan, being seen off by the locals

Stopping for selfies in Uzbekistan: this guy jumped out of his car and demanded photos.

A laden Uzbek cyclist on the first day out of Tashkent.  I'm glad my panniers were lighter than his load!

One thought on “Cyclestan: A bike tour through Central Asia

  1. Five months later, I’ve finished this journal – while I’m back in Central Asia for the second time! Go on, give it a read, you know you want to.

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